Thanks for checking out the Leland High School Fishing Club website/blog. It is an important place to get details, post comments, and overall a way to communicate.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Club Meeting! Friday May 29th!!!


  • Reflect on the year and discuss potential fishouts
  • Raffle!!!
  • Food! (I'll bring some donuts as a snack)
  • Discuss other club stuff:
    • Tournaments?
    • Next years shirts/hats/sweatshirts?
    • Instructional sessions?
    • Club funds and potential donations (CalTrout, Black Bass Action Committee, etc.)?
Tomorrow during lunch we will have our final club meeting. I would love to see you there. We will have a raffle and donuts!

Thanks for making this first year great!

- Mr. T

Delta Pro Teen Info!

Check out the link to participate in this opportunity. Please do this! What a great way to get fishing knowledge, a tournament experience, and a boat ride!

Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25th Fishing Report

Delta Bass!!!

The pictures below are from friend of the club, Nick Ingram. He and Tom went out and battled the Memorial Day crowds. They caught lots of fish with their best 5 going around 17-18 lbs. Big fish is to the right and is around 6 lbs and caught using a topwater frog. The 3 lber on the left was caught using an 1/8th oz Speed Trap. Fishing in Disco Bay and Rock Slough.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Anderson Reservoir and Almaden Res 5-3-15


Nick and I went out and caught about 20 fish for the two of us. Fish were caught on shaky head, d-shot, t-rig, and jerkbait. Big fish = 4 lbs

Almaden Reservoir

Tom and Nick went out to Almaden Reservoir to fish the evening bite. Caught fish, including this one on a senko.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Surf Fishing - Striper Addition!

NEW INFO - There were 15 Stripers caught Friday evening near the cement ship in Aptos. Fish were caught on spoons and swimbaits.

The Stripers are showing up on the beaches. I will get you more information about how to catch them and where when I have more info!