Thanks for checking out the Leland High School Fishing Club website/blog. It is an important place to get details, post comments, and overall a way to communicate.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Anderson Fishout 1-31-15

Angler Checklist:

  1. Be on time!
    1. We LEAVE Leland no later than 7:30. Please be here early to rig up (7:15). I'll bring donuts!!!
  2. Fishout Form 
    1. Signed by parents
  3. Fishing Gear
    1. Email Mr. T ( if you need one of the club rods or ANY tackle
  4. Hiking Shoes
    1. I plan to walk about 2 miles total. If you want me to take you to good fishing spots, you need to have shoes with traction. NO SKATER SHOES... LAME!!!
  5. Money
    1. Cost per vehicle is $6. Please bring cash and be prepared to chip in if you are carpooling
If you need a ride or have any other concerns please email me at