Thanks for checking out the Leland High School Fishing Club website/blog. It is an important place to get details, post comments, and overall a way to communicate.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Club Meeting 4-2-25


  1. Guest Speaker
    1. Here to talk about an app that we can use called Blend
  2. Almaden Lake Fishout/BBQ/Cleanup
    1. Meet up for an afternoon/evening at Almaden Lake Park. The purpose would be to:
      1. Cleanup the lake and gain community service hours (2-3 hours)
      2. Fish!
      3. Have a BBQ
  3. Raffle!!!
    1. Win and pick an item from the grab bag!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Delta Report - March 2015

Fished pretty shallow most of the day. Water was stained. Bluegill were everywhere. The bass were chewing! Not hot and heavy action but some good ones. Also, we saw one fish on a spawning bed and hooked it twice.

This is the time club members. It is now or never. Spring is here and lines need to be in the water to capitalize.

Email me or Mitch if you would like to help organize a fishing event. This club is run by the members. Take action and make this club the way you want it!

Tight Lines! - Mr. T

Monday, March 23, 2015

Club Member Anderson Report

Bobby with an absolute TOAD!!!
Hello All. Hopefully you are following this blog. If not, you are surely missing out on some great fishing action. Do whatever you can to get out to Anderson. The bite is going off. I went out last Thursday after school and caught 30 fish in 3 hours.

Bobby sent me this photo and this quote, "I went to Anderson and fished under the bridge for a little and caught a nice 3 3/4pounder on a Texas rigged roboworm."

GO CATCH FISH! Come see me if you need hooks. I have some as well as a few soft plastics that will work.

Later, - Mr. T

Friday, March 20, 2015

Delta Pro-Teen Event

This year will/should mark the 19th annual Pro-Teen fishing tournament on the Delta. Here is a little blurb and here is the link to info from last year.

Over the summer I would suggest you to ALL sign up. Basically $35 to have a guided fishing trip.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Anderson - ON FIRE!

March 2015

The spring is in full swing and the bass are on the chew at Anderson Reservoir.

Club member Brendt Citta and I went out to Anderson for an afternoon/evening bite Saturday March 14th. Between the two of us we caught about 20 bass ranging from a non-keeper to Brendt's 4 pounder.

Additionally, my friends Nick and Tom fished for twice as long and caught 50 bass between the two of them.

Best baits: Soft plastics (Zoom baby brush hog being the ticket)
Best locations: Shallow flats and the backs of coves
Best times: 5-6 PM

Get out there and catch some fish!

- Mr. T

Friday, March 13, 2015

Springtime Fishing (Pre-Spawn and Spawn)

The guys from Tactical Bassin' have some great advice in the video above. Yet, for many bank walkers, it may not be best to use those techniques. So below are my Top 3 baits for spring!

Mr. T's Top 3 Springtime Baits

  1. Drop Shot - Whether you are fishing a bass locked on a spawning bed or you are targeting bass pushing schools of bait, the drop shot will get it done.
  2. Shad/Bluegill Reaction Bait - I can't just say jerkbait, swimbait, topwater, or crankbait. Instead, I think it is just important to have the best "reaction" bait for the conditions. My confidence baits are LuckyCraft pointers, Scroungers, and Norman Deep Little N's
  3. Neko Rig - The Neko rig is a way to rig a worm to make it dance across the bottom of a lake. It looks great in the water and flat out catches fish. Good for bed fishing and for catching fish on weedlines
Even though these are my top 3 baits right now, it doesn't really matter. My two biggest bass (seen below) were caught on a tube and a spider jig. These were great baits and I would also suggest them, yet I think a drop shot or texas rig could have also caught these fish. I think the lesson is... have your lines in the water during the springtime and you will see great results!
91/2 lb on a tube (March)
10 lb on Yamamoto Hula Grub (April)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sescape Beach Fishout 3/8/15

We had a great time at the beach today. We even had a guest appearance by Mr. Hilger! 

ALL, that's right, all members caught fish. They were not always big, but they were active. Bites were had on most casts and when you did hook one, they were feisty.

Special thanks to the Cancilla's for letting us use their beach house as a meeting place.

Great job to all club members! 
      - Mr. T

The Bialy Brothers (The Hardcore Anglers!)


The Prez and Mr. Clutch..


Other Fish N' Fools...


Final Results!