Thanks for checking out the Leland High School Fishing Club website/blog. It is an important place to get details, post comments, and overall a way to communicate.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Fishing Reels!!!

Hey Club Members,

Just putting out a last call on a couple of right hand retrieve baitcasters I have. I will let either of them go for $50 a piece. I have the boxes for them too. They are like new condition.

Daiwa Coastal

Daiwa TDX

Summer Fishing Recap

We had a banner summer fishing Anderson this year. The video below highlights some of the best baits that caught fish. We also have some other footage just because it is cool!. 


-Mr. T

Best Summer Baits

Topwater Fish

He ate it!
The Baits!

Monday, July 27, 2015

2015-2016 School Year Agenda

For the new school year. Club leaders will be meeting to discuss the following:
  1. Affiliation with a high school tournament series (FLW or BASS)
  2. Club logo design
  3. Apparel (hats, t-shirts, hoodies)
  4. Ideas for club meetings and fishouts
  5. Other???
We do not have a day that we are meeting yet, but I would love to hear your ideas. Please provide your input. Your voice is important to us.  

Tight Lines,

- Mr. T

Cool video I saw of a topwater strike!

Friday, July 17, 2015

New Instagram and Twitter Account


Because I am inept at social networking, bear with me. If you can share pics through Instagram, go for it. If not email me and I will post anything you would like.

Our handles are:

Instagram: lelandhighfishing
Twitter: @LelandFishing


- Mr. T

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Yamamoto Videos

Some comical and informative Yamamoto Baits videos.

Senko Secrets

Grub Secrets

Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Bass Fishing Report

Anderson... Easy Pickin's

Update!!! 7-9-15 - Bigger Bag of Bass

Caught most of these nice ones on this worm you see here. It is called a Flirt Worm from Reaction Innovations. Fished it on a dart head and drop shot. Dying the tail chartreuse is also a great idea!!!

Anderson has been very productive this year. A boat is a great way to get out on the water but recent grad Brendt Citta and I caught around 20 fish is a matter of 3 hours from the bank!!!

Also, I have been out a couple times with Nick. Him and I have caught between 30-40 fish each trip for a total time of 3 1/2 - 4 hours. Today was no different. Big fish went 4 lbs.

Best Bite: Main lake points or walls
Best Baits: Baby Brush Hog, Tube, 6" Worms

Big fish for the day. Around a 2 lb fish - Caught on a drop shot
Healthy 3 lber  on a dart head worm

Nice 4 lb fish on a Carolina Rigged brush hog

Salmon Report

This year has been a subpar year for ocean salmon fishing, but it has picked up in the last few weeks. My dad and his friend Frank went out and caught fish on the New Rayann of Sausalito.

Frank displaying one of the catches