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Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Bass Fishing Report

Anderson... Easy Pickin's

Update!!! 7-9-15 - Bigger Bag of Bass

Caught most of these nice ones on this worm you see here. It is called a Flirt Worm from Reaction Innovations. Fished it on a dart head and drop shot. Dying the tail chartreuse is also a great idea!!!

Anderson has been very productive this year. A boat is a great way to get out on the water but recent grad Brendt Citta and I caught around 20 fish is a matter of 3 hours from the bank!!!

Also, I have been out a couple times with Nick. Him and I have caught between 30-40 fish each trip for a total time of 3 1/2 - 4 hours. Today was no different. Big fish went 4 lbs.

Best Bite: Main lake points or walls
Best Baits: Baby Brush Hog, Tube, 6" Worms

Big fish for the day. Around a 2 lb fish - Caught on a drop shot
Healthy 3 lber  on a dart head worm

Nice 4 lb fish on a Carolina Rigged brush hog