- Sign In!
- Introduce: Club Leadership
- Jack Purinton - President
- Zach Addiego - Vice President
- Bobby Jabbari - Secretary
- Colin Addiego - Treasurer
- Any Objections!
- Meeting Times
- Club Contact Info
- Lelandhighfishing.blogspot.com
- Instagram and Twitter @LelandFishing or @lelandhighfishing
- Remind
- Club Budget Approval
- Club Purpose and Interests
- Meeting/Socializing with like minded people
- Learning about new fishing practices and techniques
- Conservationism and giving back to the community
- Fishing and on the water learning
- Competitive angling with the Student Angling Federation
- Any other ideas suggestions or questions?
Don't forget about the C.A.S.T. for kids volunteer opportunity Saturday, Oct 10th at Los Vaqueros Reservoir http://www.castforkids.org/events-calendar/cast-events/los-vaqueros-reservoir/