Thanks for checking out the Leland High School Fishing Club website/blog. It is an important place to get details, post comments, and overall a way to communicate.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Club Meeting 9-25-15

  1. Sign In!
  2. Introduce: Club Leadership
    1. Jack Purinton - President
    2. Zach Addiego - Vice President
    3. Bobby Jabbari - Secretary
    4. Colin Addiego - Treasurer
    5. Any Objections!
  3. Meeting Times
  4. Club Contact Info
    2. Instagram and Twitter @LelandFishing or @lelandhighfishing
    3. Remind
  1. Club Budget Approval
  2. Club Purpose and Interests
    1. Meeting/Socializing with like minded people
    2. Learning about new fishing practices and techniques
    3. Conservationism and giving back to the community
    4. Fishing and on the water learning
    5. Competitive angling with the Student Angling Federation
  3. Any other ideas suggestions or questions?
Don't forget about the C.A.S.T. for kids volunteer opportunity Saturday, Oct 10th at Los Vaqueros Reservoir